Manuela Jungo-profilLa rideuse suisse Manuela Jungo est partie se la couler douce en Egypte au Kite Village d’Hamata. Elle a 28 ans et depuis 2006 est une Pro-rideuse. Avant elle n’avait le temps de kiter que pendant ses vacances, soit 4 semaines par an, mais devenue tellement amoureuse de ce sport elle en a décidé d’en faire sa vie et maintenant elle kite quasi tous les jours.

Manuela Jungo-header

” First it was a passion, now it is my life, the way I have decided to live life.
I finished University and I had a good job as brand manager for a Swiss Watch Company but I had the feeling that this is not the life how it is meant to be for me. I saved some money and made me on the way to travel and kite as often as possible. By securing brilliant sponsors along the way, it is now a way of life for me.”

 Manuela Jungo-ride

This is Alby
Stephan Figueiredo chasing down barrels with Blade Kiteboarding