Russell Ord est un photographe australien de l’extrême et il souhaiterait récupérer des fonds afin de réaliser un documentaire sur sa manière de prendre des photos. En effet, pour Russell, le but n’est pas de prendre des champions ou des vagues célèbres, mais prendre la photo au bon endroit. Et souvent, le bon endroit, c’est le coeur de l’action. Et pour y être? il vaut mieux une bonne condition physique.
“I Do not want to be remembered for just being in the channel at the right time and right place capturing the surfer’s wave of a lifetime. Because in the end, that’s easy. As a photographer I want to remember myself for taking that “one” photo – not because of the surfer’s name or reputation, but because of the position I put myself in to capture the moment in time”
An amazing view of the ocean cannot be captured without an element of risk; It’s taken me years to find my niche within my photography, and now that I have, it’s such a great place to be.”
Fueled by a burning desire to have ‘his moment’, Russell embarks on a journey that finds him tackling a secret big wave location in Western Australia. It is known by many big wave surfers as one of the heaviest slabs in the world. Remote and renowned for sharks, the effort, commitment and training that lies behind that ‘one shot’ is both an inspiration and education to many, and will change the way we view a photograph forever.
Russell is the only photographer that will risk his life to shoot inside the barrel at this location and is fully aware of the consequences of taking such chances.
‘One Shot’ is an inspiring journey about one man taking a chance, following his dreams and living a life without restrictions. You only get one shot at life…you have to live it as best you can.
Plus d’info:
Russell Ord – One shot